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So far admin has created 21 blog entries.

Istanbul Atlas University


An overview of Istanbul University Atlas: Istanbul Atlas University is one of the private universities located in the city of Istanbul, as it was established in 2018, in the Kagithane region near Sicily and the Taksim region, and seeks to provide educational services to society in line with international quality standards, and the consecration of the rule of law, individual freedom, differences, human rights and universal values, It is one of the best emerging Turkish universities, with a large number of students of various nationalities, and aims to create scientific awareness in generations. Study language : In teaching its curricula, [...]

Istanbul Atlas University2023-08-03T07:49:45+00:00

Istanbul Kent University


An overview of Istanbul Kent University: Kent Private University was established in Turkey by the Education Without Barriers Foundation (ENEV) in 2006, with the purpose of supporting development and progress in Turkey, and with the aim of educating students and developing their skills enough to compete in the national and international arenas. Kent Istanbul University seeks to provide innovative and modern education in line with global developments in various fields of education, science and technology. Istanbul Kent University has the following; 4 colleges. 2  vocational schools. 1 Graduate Institute. 33 Specialties. 15 Majors for the bachelor's degree. 3940 students. [...]

Istanbul Kent University2023-08-03T07:50:31+00:00

Nisantasi University


An overview of Nisantasi University: Nisantasi University was established by the Nisantasi Foundation for Education and Culture after its founding decision in 2009, with the aim of providing students with strong academic skills that lead to professional advancement, relying on a scientific thinking system, and keeping abreast of developments in the age of digital technology. And that the university, with its students and trained faculty, can represent Türkiye in the international arenas. The university also provides opportunities for students to learn about themselves, their dreams, define their goals, and overcome obstacles on the way to these goals. Nisantasi University is [...]

Nisantasi University2023-08-03T07:51:32+00:00

Biruni University


About Al-Biruni University:Al-Biruni University was established in Istanbul in 2014 AD and is considered one of the most important private Turkish universities. Its campus is located in the Zeytinburnu region on the European side of Istanbul. It is considered one of the distinguished universities in health sciences. in the sciences of medicine, astronomy, philosophy, mathematics and other sciences, to perpetuate the legacy he left behind and to be a motivation for students to continue to seek knowledge tirelessly or stop.The vision of Al-Biruni University lies in being an innovative university and doing pioneering work. It also seeks to be one of [...]

Biruni University2023-08-03T08:05:33+00:00

Istinye University


About Istinye University: Istinye University was established in 2015 to be an academic educational institution that produces knowledge through scientific research. Istinye University is one of the best Turkish universities located in Istanbul on the European side. The university is constantly updating its higher education system to keep pace with economic, social, cultural, political, scientific and technological developments. It also uses modern technologies in education and research, and gives great importance to the use of flexible teaching methods and eliminating the gap between academic educational curricula and the requirements of the business world. Istinye University is distinguished in medical specialties. [...]

Istinye University2023-08-03T07:53:40+00:00

Istanbul Aydin University


About Istanbul Aydin University: Istanbul Aydın University is one of the private universities in Turkey. It was founded in 2003, and it is still one of the best universities in Turkey. Aydın University has a distinguished campus, which gives a luxurious impression of the university when entering it. It also includes a group of experienced academics in their fields of specialization. The university's primary goal is to prepare students to enable them to compete globally in various fields. Therefore, innovation prevails in its majors, which builds societies and brings them benefit and development. Where is Aydin University located? Aydin University [...]

Istanbul Aydin University2023-08-03T07:54:36+00:00

جامعة اسطنبول أيدن


نبذة عن جامعة اسطنبول أيدن نبذة عن جامعة اسطنبول أيدن ، وقد تأسست عام 2003م، وما زالت من أفضل جامعات تركيا، وتمتلك جامعة آيدن حرماً جامعياً مميزاً، يعطي الانطباع الفخم عن الجامعة عند دخولها، كما أنها تضم نخبة من الأكاديميين المتمرسين في مجالات تخصصهم، وقد وضعت الجامعةُ هدفَها الأساسي في إعداد الطلاب إعداداً يُمكّنهم من المنافسة العالمية في المجالات المختلفة، ولذا، يسود في تخصصاتها الابتكار الذي يبني المجتمعات ويعود عليها بالنفع والتطور أين تقع جامعة آيدن؟ تقع جامعة آيدن في قلب مدينة إسطنبول الأوربية، في فلوريا، ضمن منطقة كوجوك جكمجة، ولها أفرع أخرى متوزعة في مدينة إسطنبول، ويبعد حرمها الرئيسي [...]

جامعة اسطنبول أيدن2023-08-27T07:40:40+00:00

Gulf University


About Gulf University:Gulf University is located in Istanbul and is one of the leading universities in Turkey. It carries out its educational and research mission on a large scale and includes more than 10 thousand students, including international students from all over the world. It is also considered an endowment university. It was established by the Foundation (Endowment for Children with Leukemia) under Higher Education Law No. 2547 and began its educational activities on November 23, 1998.Gulf University includes six faculties, including the faculties of medicine, engineering and arts, and three vocational schools, in addition to an institute for postgraduate studies [...]

Gulf University2023-08-03T08:06:17+00:00

جامعة الخليج


نبذة عن جامعة الخليج:تقع جامعة الخليج في مدينة اسطنبول وتعد من الجامعات الرائدة في تركيا، تقوم بمهمتها التعليمية والبحثية على نطاق واسع وتضم أكثر من 10 آلاف طالب، منهم الطلاب الدوليين من مختلف أنحاء العالم. كما تعتبر جامعة وقفية، تأسست من قبل مؤسسة (وقف الأطفال المصابين بسرطان الدم) بموجب قانون التعليم العالي رقم 2547 وبدأت أنشطتها التعليمية في 23 نوفمبر 1998.تضم جامعة الخليج ست كليات تشمل كليات الطب والهندسة والفنون، وثلاث مدارس مهنية، بجانب معهد للدراسات العليا ومعهد للموسيقى. وتركز الجامعة على التعليم القائم على التصميم والإبداع، فتقوم بتخريج الأفراد المؤهلين، الذين يمكنهم تقديم حلول عصرية للمشكلات العالمية. أين توجد جامعة الخليج؟تتواجد [...]

جامعة الخليج2023-10-03T10:21:35+00:00

جامعة جيليشيم


هندسة الكمبيوتر (الإنجليزية) متاحة الآن (جديد).

جامعة جيليشيم2023-10-03T10:22:18+00:00
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